Rachael Agnello

  • Data Analyst, Sheetz // MQE Alum, 2022

Rachael Agnello will be graduating from the University of Pittsburgh this spring with her Master of Science in Quantitative Economics. After graduating from George Mason University in 2017 where she attended on a full scholarship, she worked in New York City for three years in the German-American nonprofit sector. There, she capitalized on the German language skills she gained during a fully-funded State Department-sponsored fellowship to Germany called CBYX for Young Professionals and indulged her interest in the transatlantic relationship. Both of her positions had a focus on problem-solving through program evaluation efforts, and in her second position she got business exposure by leading a scrum/Agile team focused on revenue generation. These opportunities tapped into her quantitative abilities and made her long to expand her theoretical economics knowledge from her undergraduate studies into the data analysis arena, which is what brought her to the MQE program. She is currently working on the Sheetz capstone project where she is using big data and Tableau to create a spatial model of demand for Sheetz. She is seeking an analytics position in the private sector.